David Bowie BBC interviewed at home in New York City by John Wilson in 2002 for the release of the album HEATHEN. David reveals in this interview how he senses the future and litteraly expresses a manifesto giving a deeper sense to all events having happened in his life. Nearly comprehended as an idealist iconoclaster by the journalist and as a testament for his fans ; this album is a key forming later on the BLACKSTAR legacy. Maybe one of his most sincere and serious testimony recorded at the start of the 21th century. MP3-192KPS (30')

In 1982 ; Damien Veen & Giles Corbett (CEO and Co-Founder of Ksubaka) get invited by Christian d'Aufin (music & media Journalist at Radio Decibel) to perform a simultaneous translation of the Interview of David Sylvian for Journalists after the Parisian prerformance presentation of the new Album "Tin Drum" at the "Casino of Paris".
Giles being a British native, performs the interview happening in the Salons of the hotel Napoleon ; where the band is staying. He meets also with Patrice Blanc-Francard having a New Wave Brit Pop program on French TV. Some questions about the life of David ; if he had some remorses to write such a song about the 'Ghosts of his life'. Which he answered ; - it was about the past indeed and the silence of the inner prayer-. He had been reserved about only very few ghosts indeed during his interview. MP3-128kPS (4'58')

Damien Veen meets with Mike Garson for a private show in the southern of France in 2015. He is invited to listen to him and greet as he performs jazzy-blues in a small café theatre not far from Narbonne. Later on but not with a great pressure ; Damien will propose to arrange some of his piano improvisations that will be sorted to produce featurings released upon AMONN Albums (Nemesis Vulgatae, Lilith Moonstone...). A great interview by NOWMAN-Show giving some light about how he met and worked with David Bowie.
2016 Nowman Show's interview MP3-160KPS (30')

During two years from 1993 up to 1995 ; Damien Veen meets and follows Malcolm McLaren into Parisian studios and interviews. With him he encouters his friend stylist and designer for couture : J-C de Castelbajac and will witness their fashion-show production mixes elaborated in the Palais of Congress at the Studio-Etoile. The producer of the Sex Pistols always will remind "Paris" ; a production elaborated with Catherine Deneuve having been his proud success. During the years of their friendship ; Damien will deliver to Malcolm the master he had demanded to him to produce ; featuring Leo Delibes love duet 'LAKME vocals'. Those getting arranged in the manner he had desired and being part of their collaboration. He gives a feedback to his career into a late 1995 Ikonic interview. MP3-256KPS (11')

Steven Marque introduced Sabrina Barlow (Syan) to Damien Veen in 2007. For the gathering of Killing Joke concert in London ; they do meet and exchange about the music history and business.
Sabrina was at the time former metal bassist of the band INTERLOK until 2008 ; then she will join the metal-fusion formation band: Tribazik in 2009. Her band gets sponsored by Jaz Coleman being the leader of Killing Joke/UK - and altogether do establish the production for the EP "Molten". Later on Syan gets hired to perform on Tour with Jayce Lewis as a his bassist. Sabrina Barlow features as a Model upon AMONN Tribute to Bauhaus "Bela Lugosi's Dead" and borrows her vocals featuring upon "Nemesis opening & ending" extracts from AMONN album NEMESIS VULGATAE.

What was in Steven Marque's mind for the release of his album IN THE FLESH co-written with Damien Veen in 2010? An interview released in Los Angeles for Sirius Radio is there to get discovered where Steven explains his views upon his projects ; what influenced him and what would define his all art as lyricist poet and graphist : - where multi-talented facets would even add much more to this old-school metalist profile and strange personality. Some informations also discovered about the Album MAD LOVE co-written with Owl and Reeves Gabrels MP3-192KPS (35')

Damien Veen meets with the legendary Paul Gambaccini in 1993, native New Yorker he is a Public Media Journalist working in UK, on board of a British Airways flight over to London and only by chance ; seats numbers had been randomly assigned near by. They start a conversation about the BBC broadcast programs and music careers. Paul had featured playlistings for the Airway national company with British bands. Along the overall flight elapsing, Paul explains his career ; how it occured to him to become a famous journalist ; having interviewed David Bowie ; mentored Elton John ; Phil Collins, Queen and more British Popular artists.
Damien will get encounters about four times with Paul from 1992 to 2002 ; invited in Paris they had settled a friendship ; guested to his home near Victoria Station ; they both share a sympathy and go lunch in Covent quarters of London. He accepts to get Damien's master Album "There Are More Things" (Tombak Label) and to review his demos. Lost from sight ; Paul had secrets about his life of lyricist ; maybe regrets having only been the journalist, the analyst and not the artist. He cracked a bit as he explained how he influenced so many artists from his sensitive ghost writings ; as well as his very old friend: Elton John... -Out of his mantel pocket, he suddenly slides at the palm of his hand an emotional secret little notebook ; there he had written some romantic lyrics for Phil Collins. Jim Kerr (Simple Minds) interviewed by Paul Gambaccini-1988 MP3-256KPS (5'00")

Damien Veen interviewed by Stephen G. in studio in december 2018 expresses why he had chosen the music and how he comprehends the industry situation now. What forwarded daily work to express himself over the internet for releasing the entire AMONN production and the labels settlement during the last 15 years. How he would slowly take back to something expressing further more an emotional performance in solo and less a music business machine, yet having been his fabric mark with AMONN. Now available...
MP3-96KPS (65')

Damien Veen proposes to Alf Eik to remix U2 "With Or Without You" in 2007. In the same concept-idea they had redrawn a complete production of the songs by keeping the melodic lyrics parts, they also will create BOWIEMIX-V2 from a base REMIXED engineered in 2002. Alf Eik does feature for "Never Get Old" and had also performed guitars upon AMONN "New Model Barbarella" , "Aurora" from CIRCE. He will also proceed the Masterings of AMONN Seventh Sin LP. Having co-produced Secret Garden in Norway "Cross Studio" ; he also is remixed with his HARVEST RECORDS "Joy & Breathe of Eternity" (1979's Release LP) ; by the DJays Lindström & Prins Thomas. In the 80's Duran Duran ; Abba ; A-ha and more artists will be recorded in his Kristiansand Studios. In 2010 ULV-Media AS had been settled to assume the film production deal with DISNEY for his production musical-show : Captain Sabeltan.

In 1997 ; Damien Veen meets an artistic agent being in contact with Hunt Sales. Hunt was the drummer of David Bowie's band Tin Machine and they had a discussion appointment to speak together for about 2 hours hence working for a gig project. Hunt had settled living in Austin/USA. At the crucial moment the money went upon the table and expectations where high. Due to the Tin Machine/Bowie legend experience meant a high budget that Damien couldn't even dream to afford. There was not anymore a contact with Hunt but the intention was good in the way there had been delivery of information about Tin Machine and the career of both Hunt and his brother Tony...
I'd Hit That ; a podcast Interview 2013 MP3-196KPS (13')

Each yearly in Saint-Tropez upon the French Riviera there is a party named after the "White Nights" where people do gather dressed in white. It is a circle a bit VIP where Damien Veen gets invited in 2003. Strangely it starts at the train station meeting Marc and his ex-model wife Jil. At this party they face for dinner and will communicate. Cerrone inspires always because he is a talented drummer as a pionneer producer of the disco-funk ; also being a witness of the glam 70's Golden Years in : LA, SF and NYC or the nights at STUDIO 54. He spoke of those years sharing this evening along 4 days until the party ended... First trip in America Interview Marc is very young and new to the business Band Stand TV program NYC1977 MP3-256kps (3')

During a week-end of 1990 Damien Veen meets coïcindently with Desmond Child (producer of Cher, Kiss and Bon Jovi) having a lunch at Montparnasse "The Dôme" restaurant. Desmond demands to him if it is possible to guide him the Sunday after to the best club in Paris at the epoch "Les Bains Douches". For that occasion Desmond and his friends attend a private dinner there where Damien gets also invited. He will learn from Desmond his marketing tricks related to the American music business industry ; but the most surprising was the dellusion about the artistic marketing and how money was spoiling the music - "I do sell music just as if I was selling pairs of baskets and I did start selling gadgets upon trunks in the street of NYC" said Desmond. Interview in Nashville MP3-128kps (40')