A descriptive and summary of credentials part biographic and critic is there made to confirm a Team within AMONN & Shangrilla-Dolls™ Label's biography and production side. This information will be added by the days coming and feature the artists having made the adventure possible since a decade. Below credential do represent the models and musicians having yet a featuting within AMONN Albums & Maxi EP's.
- Tributes and Remixes V2: The goal was to be a complete independent label with Shangrilla-Dolls™ : In a world where the identity of the music is lost and cares less for "qualities and values" the audience needs niches not to feel being left apart. It would request along with a marketing definition, to express a much stronger difference than a mainstream identity. After 15 years of workflow and intense production - the concept will recenter the activity to have a new kind of distribution.
- Creations: Amonn creations are made of 9 complete Albums with PDFs.
- Video-Animes: They are edited to validate a know how having spent so much time to acquire the technics and they will vividly flourish the established Creative (original A&R) concept in terms of a sound brought to a vision. About 25 to 30 videos shall be produced during 2018 up to 2020. The other idea was to feature insider of the thematics, a substance ; forwarding young people to develop a sense of the critic ; before accepting what is politically correct or buy for granted what is told in the might - would need to get to think by yourself and gain a knowledge with a stable argumentation that can be both verified and offer a solidity. It is a work to acheive and an effort during all a lifetime upon oneself.
- Amon Neve Jewels: A selection of up to 4 Modern Swarovski Elements Jewels easy to integrate and replicated will be marketed not to forget that the idea had been proposed upon AMONN Art-Sleeves and promoted.
- Other Photographer Credentials: Gabe Morales ; Matt Berteil, Dana Tentis, Alex Tim, Darcy Delia, Alexander Krivitskiy, Daria Rem