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Watch A PREMIUM VR-Venue,coming soon...

Teatralnaia Ostonovka





by Novaia Zaria since 1861


AMONN Seventh Sin Album complete PDF

PRODUCTION -Seventh Sin VR performance by AMONN band inside Teatralnaia Ostonovka ; a 1920-1930 derelict Komsomol Theater. The third title released is presenting the song "SUPERBIA" for AMONN album -Seventh Sin- ; the performers introduce the concept-idea of their virtual band acting within a video-anime. Our "Time Travellers" Avatar's motions will evolve with more trainings and get scripted to experience new capture technics. Add-ons show a doorway to perceptions always leading them to another new portal being their next destination. The realization of the entire performance lively marks the making of a possible merged event being projected with a VR ticket sale for a virtual show. A limited DVD will be created promoted for this Album. - Shangrilla-Dolls Label™ Production ©2018.- Ava O' Guitar, Zombie Bass, Lady Jules Bass-guest, Jocker Drums, Drums-guest Squeleton , JF Sebastian Keyboards, Damien Veen Vocals.


-The band plays into a Russian Theater derelict of 1925, that could be located in the region of Moscow or in Saint-Petersburg. Each song is getting represented with a new stylism and the decorations are inter-changing following lyrics and seasons. The costumes and the characters do follow the thematic from the novelist of Master and Margerita  but in a same time ; they also would mirror David Bowie's album BLACKSTAR. SEVENTH SIN was written in 2010 but the titles of David seem associated to Damien Veen's lyrics. Moreover the magick features are there being represented for each song ; if no pledge it would be because the song is dramatic but doesn't engage itself into polemics any. It would be more calm or a piano solo. Our musicians gamble by playing their role upon quantum lap of time inside the territory that is allocated and therefore each of them is a litte pawn upon the teaming board. Many levels of expression and many ways to understand their satire.

AMONN Seventh Sin (2018-2020)

AMONN Seventh Sin (2018-2020)

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- "Master & Margerita" by the famous Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov, a satyrical novel and dramaturgy written in 1927 reveals into an undercovered magick feature : - how the Soviet politics are being used as a tool to acheive goals of the individual depersonalization. In the unorthodox narrative method form,  the story unveils obvious traits of satanism by the novel's intermezzo tales - mixing-up  the terrestrial Jerusalem  with the trial of Jesus-Christ - (a follow-up written in 1940 under Stalin era gets the opus condemned and forbidden). Bulgakov adapts "Faust" in an enlightened Kabbalistic way ; where his pact with the devil is mirrored down to a progressist plannification and conformism, birthing the structuralism sociologic science out of the constructivism in USSR, conceiving the Universalism  as a dogma being imposed and the political Internationalism. A comfort of the elitist Nomenklatura. A premise to Alexander Soljenitsyne's book : "Gulag Archipelago" and the misfortunate idealist perspective brought to the XXIth century, adopted by the fiduciary actors of the mondialist economy into the perspective of a European plannification...


- "Ibicus or The Adventures of Count Nevzorov" written by Alexis N. Tolstoi ; descriptive of the gradual fall of the Tzarist epoch : Migrants try to escape Russia by getting fortunate in gamblings as a refuge out of the Mensheviks reach. The premium quality cocaïn and debaucheries as well as luxuries are representing an epoch of individual Quest  depicting the Empire fall yet in 1900 : the dawn of a glorious age to the dusk of a New Age ; with the rise of the industrial XXth century. A pendent to Joris-Karl Huysmans novel "A Rebours".


- "Djann" written by Andrei Platonov ; in the remote regions of the Mongolian steppes ; an engineer is sent by the Soviet CCCP Gosplan 1950's, to prospect for counting the population left from a forgotten tribe. Slowly ; he understands that his charge is getting useless as his administration is too slow to move on and obsolete. With the desertification ; the last survivors having no water have chosen their fate in accepting the extinction of their race...


- "Unrevised History, Political Science & Realism".



Uriah Heep ; Led Zeppelin ; David Bowie ; Japan ; Joe Cocker ; Tin Machine ; Nick Cave.

streaming promotional video enhanced 3D-VR models capture : released with OS Grid inc. open-simulator open-sourceproject - production by Sangrilla-Dolls™ ©2019.


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